How Long Do Water Filters Last? Here is What You Need To Know

When making any investment to your home whether it’s an extension, remodel or even a water filter, you’ll want to make sure that your initial investment is actually going to be worth it. After all, it wouldn’t be ideal to spend a significant amount on something to improve your home, only to have it break after a short amount of time and leave your money wasted. That’s why it’s important to know how long your investment will last – and whether the quality is worth the money. Here’s everything you need to know!

How long does a water filter last?

This will of course depend on the water filter itself, whether it was produced by a reliable brand and how well you’ve looked after it.
Some water filters will require you to regularly change the water filtration components within their systems. If this is the case, remember to do it as regularly as the manufacturer suggests, using a high-quality replacement.
Aside from that, a good quality water filter should last for a long time.

Are there any filters that are particularly long lasting?

At EWT, we provide high-quality water filters that we expect to last for over a decade rather than just a few years. We are confident in our range that we even offer a 15-year parts guarantee. This gives you the peace of mind knowing that your water filter will be good for years to come. All our filters are independently certified for all performance claims to ensure we can bring you such a long guarantee.
Should anything go wrong in this time, we’ll be more than happy to take care of repairs or replacements!

Is a water filter really worth it?

In the long run, yes. In fact, you’ll start to see the positives almost instantly! It’s a relatively small price to pay considering the benefits you’ll get out of the filter, including safer water for you and your family, a better tasting supply to drink from, less damage caused to your appliances and better hair, skin and nails!

In the long run, yes. In fact, you’ll start to see the positives almost instantly! It’s a relatively small price to pay considering the benefits you’ll get out of the filter, including safer water for you and your family, a better tasting supply to drink from, less damage caused to your appliances and better hair, skin and nails!

Now you know more about how long water filters last and that all of the filters and softeners we provide are of a high standard, you can rest assured knowing your investment will be entirely worth it in the long run.
We look forward to helping you find your perfect product, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about our range.

5 Good Habits That Could Cut The Cost Of Your Water Bill

If you’ve noticed your water bill is higher than you’d like, especially if you’re on a ‘pay for what you use’ tariff or water meter, you may have wondered whether there’s anything you could be doing to lower the cost of your monthly expense. Luckily, there are several ways to bring down the cost of your water bill, starting with just a few simple habits. By doing them on a regular basis, you’ll be able to ensure your water isn’t costing you any more than it should.

1. Check regularly for any leaks around your plumbed-in fixtures.

Leaks are a very common reason for an increase in water bills, as you’re technically paying for all the water that leaks out!
By checking appliances such as your toilet and sink, you’ll be able to spot a leak and have it dealt with (either by yourself or a professional plumber) before it gets worse – and potentially costs you a fortune!

2. Don’t run your dishwasher or washing machine until they’re full.

By using your dishwasher or washing machine before it’s full, you’re using more water for multiple washes than if you are just waiting until it was at its max capacity. One wash to get everything clean at once will save water and be more affordable than running several smaller loads.

3. Switch to a water saving shower head.

A lot of water gets wasted during each shower – especially if you enjoy long showers. Thankfully, many manufacturers offer the option of water saving shower heads which adjust the flow rate in a way that uses less water as you shower. Visit your local home DIY store to find one!

4. Water your grass first thing rather than later in the day.

You’ll naturally want to water your lawn to ensure it stays as fresh and green as possible, but don’t put it off until later in the day.
Instead, water your grass (or run your sprinkler) in the early morning to ensure less water is lost through evaporation when the temperature is at its highest.

5. Switch out the mulch in your garden regularly.

All DIY gardeners should know that mulch helps to keep plants and water moist, so by replacing it regularly with fresher mulch, you’ll find you need to water your plants less frequently – saving water in the process and still enjoying healthy plants.

By turning these quick, simple and easy steps into regular, routine habits, you’ll be able to prevent your water bill from costing you more than you’d actually expected.

Read more of our blog to learn more about water in your home or how you could benefit from a filtration system or water softener. If any of our product strike your interest, feel free to get in touch to see how they could benefit you and your home!

9 Reasons to Give Up Bottled Water Today

Bottled water may be convenient, but there are plenty of downsides too – affecting your health, the environment and even your wallet. Here are just a few reasons you might want to give up bottled water today and consider tap instead.

1. Tap water is safer than it’s ever been – especially if you use a filtration system.

Tap water nowadays is heavily regulated, so although some of its elements may not be favourable – they’re very unlikely to kill you. Even better, you can now combine it with your own filtration system to ensure the water is completely safe.

2. A lot of the bottled water on the market today is just filtered tap water.

Many brands of bottled water have actually turned out to be nothing more than packaged tap water. In this instance, you’re essentially paying for what you already have for a fraction of the cost at home.

3. Just because water is bottled, it doesn’t mean it’s safe.

Some bottled waters have been found to contain less than desirable elements such as disinfectant and pesticides, making it no more safe or pleasant than tap water.

4. Tap water is a lot cheaper to consume.

With tap water, you’re only paying your standard water rates, without the additional markup for packaging and labelling.

5. You won’t be contributing to the effects of plastic on the environment.

Many plastic bottles never get recycled properly, meaning they contribute to landfills and pollution. Avoid this by purchasing plastic packaging as little as possible.

6. You’ll be cutting down the need for oil consumption.

According to National Geographic, around 17 million gallons of crude oil is used each year during the production of plastic bottles.

7. Plastic bottles contain chemicals that can be leaked into the water.

Over time, the toxins contained in plastic packaging can be broken down and leaked into bottled water, especially if the bottles are being reused several times each.

8. Tap water doesn’t have to be any less convenient.

If you’re looking for water to drink on the go, there’s no reason you can’t still use tap water. This is your chance to buy a cool new water bottle in any print or design or colour you like. So much more fun than a regular bottle!

9. Bottled water may even have a negative impact on your community.

Imagine the amount of money spent by businesses in your area who resell bottled water. Now imagine if all that money was put into the local community – perhaps even to make the local water supply better!

If you’ve been considering giving up bottled water, we hope that these reasons are enough to convince you to let go for good.

If you’re looking to make the change and are concerned about the quality and taste of your tap water, get in touch with EWT to learn more about how its safety, taste and quality can be improved with the addition of one of our filters.

Keeping Fish As Pets?Here is How Filtered Water Could Improve The Life Of Your Tank

If you’re an owner of pet fish, you’ll probably be used to the importance of water, filters, treatments and having the correct equipment to keep them safe and healthy. But you might not have considered whether filtered water could be the right choice for your fish tank or aquarium.
So, is there an advantage to using filtered water in your fish tank? Read on to find out! >/p>

The Effects of Filtered Water on Fish

While fish will, of course, be happier and healthier in clear, filtered water, you likely already have a water filter installed – which is standard with most common tanks. This means that whichever water you place in the tank will be filtered anyway.
This maymake it seem like there’s no point using a filter, but that’s actually not the case. The purer the water is to begin with, the less chemicals and toxins are likely to remain after being processed through the filter in the tank, meaning an even healthier environment for your fish.

Visibility Will Increase Too

Have you ever poured yourself a glass of tap water, only to notice it’s cloudy? This is due to the elements it contains. While we know many of these are unhealthy, they also affect visibility. This might not be an issue in your drinking water, but you’ll no doubt want your fish tank to be clean and clear so you can see your marine life as well as possible.

It’s Also Easier On Your Hardware

If you’ve read our previous posts (or are just clued up on plumbing), you’ll know that appliances can be damaged over time as a result of unfiltered water wearing them down. As your fish tank is technically an appliance, you’ll find that the same applies and that the ‘hardware’ of your tank will need replacing less frequently and stay in better condition for longer, which also means they’ll stay more effective and ensure a better environment for your fish.

But it’s not Just your Fish who’ll Benefit

You’ll benefit from having a better water supply too! Filtered water not only tastes better, but it’s also safer and healthier as 99.9 percent of harmful chemicals and toxins are removed during the filtration process.

If you’re ready to consider having a water filtration system installed, now is the time to get in touch with EWT and learn more about our product range. We offer water filters and softeners to ensure your water supply is high quality, great tasting and of course, safer for your friends with fins.

How Does Your Water Look? How Its Colour Can Determine Its Safety

How Does Your Water Look? How Its Colour Can Determine Its Safety

If you’re wondering whether your water is safe to drink, the colour of the water can be a big indicator. If it’s strange in colour or appears cloudy, that will usually mean that something is not quite right and will lead you to question whether the water is dangerous to drink.

As water is an essential, keep reading to learn more about colour found in water, what it means and what can be done to solve the problem.

Identifying Colour in Water

Usually if there’s something off about the colour of your water supply, you’ll find it’s a yellow or red toned shade. This generally indicates a high level of contaminants such as iron – which can have an effect on the water’s oxygen presence.

Discoloured Water in Nature

While we recommend that you don’t drink water from an unregulated supply, many people still choose to take a sip from public streams or springs – especially at famous sources of water.

This may well be safe at an authorised source where the water is clear, but again – if the water is yellow, it’s better to avoid it.

Yellowness at the source is usually down to decaying organic matter, which is not something you’d want to consume.

This could also be an explanation for your home supply, in the event any of these organic compounds have made their way into the system.

The Potential Hazards of Off Colour Water

If your water supply is off colour, the colour itself is not toxic – but the contaminants that caused it could be.

The elements that lead to the supply becoming contaminated are at risk of developing chlorinated compounds like trihalomethanes – one of which being chloroform, a well known carcinogen.

How to Treat Contaminated Water

If your water appears to be contaminated by its colour, it will usually be a matter for your water company. If it is contaminated somewhere within their supply, it is their responsibility to deal with the problem and ensure their customers have access to clean, safe water in their homes and business premises.

However, for further peace of mind and to ensure you’re getting the safest, cleanest water possible, you can also have a water filter installed that will remove 99.9 percent of impurities and toxins, resulting in healthy, safe and great tasting water.

If you’re considering having a water filter installed, why not check out the range here at EWT?

We have a wide range of filters and softeners available that can be used in both homes and business premises, with a range that caters to varying budgets to ensure you can find one that suits your needs.

Browse our site to learn more, or feel free to get in touch if you have any question at all. We look forward to hearing from you!

Not All Water Filters Are Made Equal: What Does Yours Remove?

Not All Water Filters Are Made Equal: What Does Yours Remove?

If you’ve never owned a water filter before, you’d be forgiven for thinking they’re all the same. After all, don’t they all do pretty much the same thing?

But really, not all water filters are made equal. Each one comes with its own set of features and abilities, so it’s important to research your product and decide which one is the best for you and your home.

Here are a few things to consider when deciding on the best water filter!

What impurities can the filter remove – and to what extent?

Water filters can remove many elements such as chlorine and heavy metals. Does the filter you’re looking at remove all of these elements or just a few? This is something you need to be asking.

Does it put any elements back into the water?

Some water filters may be found to feed certain elements back into the system. Ideally, you’ll want one that simply purifies them all.

How does it work? How are the impurities removed?

Water filters can work in a variety of ways. Some use physical filtration, some use chemical filtration and others use more in depth techniques such as reverse osmosis. Take a minute to research each one and decide which you’d like to purchase.

What’s left after the purifying process?

Are there still going to be any toxic elements left in the water? This is an important question to ask.

If any traces of impurities are left – how much?

If there are any impurities remaining – what percentage? Ideally, your filter will remove 99.9% of impurities and contaminants from the water.

What is maintenance like on the water filter?

Some water filters require more maintenance than others. This may include filter replacement, handling, monitoring and cleaning. How often you’ll have to do these things may help you decide on which to buy.

Is it easy to install?

Ease of installation is important if you’re planning on fitting the water filter yourself, so be sure to check how complicated it may be. You could also consider buying from a company who will install your water filter for you – such as EWT!

Is it good value for money?

Perhaps the most important aspect for a lot of people – value for money is important to consider. You’ll want a filter that’s within your budget, but also of the highest possible quality within that price range.

Once you’ve determined the answers to the above questions in relation to the water filters you’ve been considering, you should have a clearer idea of which is the best and which is right for you.

If you want a high quality water filter that does everything you need it to, check out the range here at EWT. We’ll be ready and waiting whenever you’re ready to learn more!

Fluoride Is A Toxin: Here is Why And How To Remove It

Not many people realise, but back in 2014, fluoride was officially classed as a toxin – according to the world’s oldest and most renowned medical journal, The Lancet. Read on to learn more about what makes it that way and what this could mean for us as we consume water from a public supply.

Firstly, what is Fluoride?

Fluoride in this context refers to sodium fluoride – essentially fluorine and salt, which is added to water supplies, toothpaste and other products.

Why is Fluoride considered a toxin now?

Although Fluoride has commonly been used in drinking water and dental products, it has recently been classified as a toxin – on the same level as arsenic, mercury and lead. This is due to the fact it contains developmental neurotoxicants than could lead to ADHD, dyslexia and a range of other cognitive impairments.

It has also been linked to several types of cancer, as well as infertility. There is so much evidence to back up the dangers of Fluoride, that it has actually been banned from being added to water in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and parts of Africa. That certainly says a lot about the risks of consuming Fluoride.

But wait – aren’t water companies adding fluoride to mains supplies all over the country?

Yes – that’s true, and it’s scary to those who realise the effects Fluoride can have! Many water companies are adding Fluoride to their supply due to the dental benefits of Fluoride. So far, around 10% of the UK’s population receives fluoridated water.

Although the dental benefits are true, many people are against the Fluoridation of water supplies due to the negative effects the toxin can have on the body. In fact, many are shocked that the water companies would even consider Fluoridation!

I don’t want to consume Fluoride. What can I do?

If you live in an area with a water supply that contains Fluoride, you may not realise that you can still choose whether to consume it or not.

Thankfully, a high quality water filter will be able to remove Fluoride from your supply should you not wish to consume it. To remove it, you’ll need a filter that features a reverse osmosis system – for example the Gold Series G5 available from EWT. Using our filter, you’ll be able to reduce Fluoride levels in your water supply by around 90 percent. As a result, you’ll be consuming a lot less Fluoride than those who drink unfiltered water from the mains, putting your body at far less risk of developing any negative effects or conditions caused by Fluoride.

If you’re concerned about Fluoride in your water, get in touch with EWT to discuss the ideal product for your needs. We look forward to helping you on your path to healthier water!



Here is How A Free Water Audit From EWT Could Help You Make The Right Decisions

Have you ever considered a water audit? If so, you may be interested to learn that EWT offers free water audits that could give you all of the right information you can use to move forward and make the right decisions regarding money, your environmental impact and the way you run your premises from day to day.Have you ever considered a water audit? If so, you may be interested to learn that EWT offers free water audits that could give you all of the right information you can use to move forward and make the right decisions regarding money, your environmental impact and the way you run your premises from day to day.

What is a water audit?

A water audit service is having a professional look over the way your business uses water and how changes could be made to save the business money, support the environment and have a greener impact.

Most businesses – if not all – will want to save as much money as possible, which is enough reason in itself to consider an audit.

Others will be feeling the pressure to go green as more and more large companies take a stand against environmental damage. If you’re making the switch to a greener way of running your business, a water audit could be a great place to start.

What are the benefits of a water audit?

The benefits of having a water audit include:

  • A no hassle service.
  • Lower water bills.
  • Huge savings for your company.
  • Full regulatory compliance.
  • A round up of information regarding e-water, water sense, H20 essentials and the environment.
These are all things to consider when running a business as water will always be needed. You’ll be able to determine how much water your appliances are using, how usage could be reduced, how to find a cheaper supply, ways you could cut down (eg. switch from bottled water to a cooler), and how you can ensure you’re meeting risk compliance standards to name a few!
Essentially, it’s everything you need to know about water in relation to your company.
Doesn’t this usually cost money?

Many water companies charge a fee for water audit services, but you’ll be pleased to know that many business premises quality for water audits from EWT completely free of charge, ensuring you have a high quality, informative service without the expense. The usual value of an EWT iQ Water Audit is £1500 – a significant saving for you and your business.

With the money you save, you can consider ways to improve your water system if necessary, or simply keep your funds safe in your company’s pocket.

Are you ready for your water audit?

If you’re ready to get started and consider a water audit for your business, get in touch with EWT and we’ll be happy to explain more about the process. Once you’ve taken the steps to learn more (and ensured that you qualify for the free audit), we’ll be able to arrange the audit – guaranteed hassle free.
We look forward to hearing from you and wish you luck as you reduce your company’s costs!



Getting Into Shape In 2017? Here is How Water Can Help

If your new year’s resolution for 2017 was to lose weight or get into shape, you’ve probably already switched up your diet, joined a gym and started an exercise routine. They’re all great for your body and health, but you also shouldn’t underestimate the power of water. Read on to see what it can do to help you get into (and stay in) shape.

Water can help you reduce your calorie intake.

Think about the fluids you drink on a regular basis. If this includes fizzy drinks, juice, milk, shakes or alcoholic beverages, take a minute to consider how many calories are in each one. You may not have realised how many calories you’re consuming through the drinks you choose. On the other hand, water has absolutely no calories at all, so by switching to H20, you’re drastically cutting down your calorie intake.
While flavoured or high calorie drinks are fine as part of a balanced diet, water really should be your go to choice for hydration.

It can also help to reduce your appetite.

Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger, so you’ll likely find that by drinking a glass of water, your ‘appetite’ is significantly reduced. If you’re still hungry, then your body is telling you it needs to eat and you’ll also be more likely to know when you’re full.
By simply being more mindful of your hunger and drinking plenty of water, you’ll likely find yourself wanting to ‘graze’ less and less between meals.

It will increase your energy expenditure while resting.

You probably already know that the human body burns calories even while resting. But on top of that, water can help to increase your body’s resting energy expenditure.
This means more calories are being burnt and you’ll soon notice a boost to your metabolism, with your body working even harder to help you lose weight.

You’ll feel less thirsty – increasing your physical performance.

Of course by drinking more water, you’ll be hydrating your body and feel less thirsty – but this will also provide a boost to your physical performance. It’s a known fact that dehydration can cause feelings of fatigue and slow down your body, so staying hydrate can give you that much needed energy.
As a result, you’ll be able to work out harder and for longer at the gym or during exercise, leading to even better results.

All of the above combined make water a great choice for anyone looking to get into shape – or even just live a healthier lifestyle.

If you’re looking to drink more water and want to improve the quality and taste of your supply, EWT can help. Our filters and softeners can help to turn your supply into a healthier, better tasting choice, so get in touch to learn more!

The A — Z of Water: Let’s Clear Up Those Confusing Terms

When you're looking to learn more about what's really in your drinking water and how a filtration system could improve your supply, you've probably found yourself stumbling across some words and terms you may not be familiar with. That's okay – we've got you covered. Read on to discover the glossary of water terms and the meanings behind each one!
Alkaline water is water that has a higher (less acidic) pH than regular tap water. To be considered alkaline, the water's pH must be above 7.0.
Base Flow
The water that flows from groundwater to a stream.
A halogen often associated with pool water – often used for keeping clean. It's not for drinking and can be taken care of using a good filter.
Domestic Water Use
The use of water in homes or commercial properties for drinking, showering and other household use.
A water flow that has been treated at a sewage treatment plant.
Water with a content of less than 1000mg/L dissolved solids.
A common disease that can be caused by drinking unfiltered water.
Hard Water
Hard water contains more minerals such as calcium, magnesium and chalk. It takes more effort to lather soap in hard water and some may not enjoy the taste.
Industrial Water Use
The use of water for industrial purposes – usually from self-supplied sources or the local water department.
Kilowatt-hour (KWH)
The measurement most power companies use to calculate your utility bills – including water. A kilowatt-hour is 1000 watts per one hour.
Livestock Water Use
Water used in relation to livestock, such as farming, watering and feeding.
Magnesium is one of the alkali earth metals that result in water hardness.
Part of the nitrogen cycle, nitrates are the salts of nitrous acid. Water with high levels of nitrates is usually considered a health risk.
Osmosis is the passing of water molecules and salts through a membrane – often used to desalinate saline water. The osmosis process also happens within the human body.
pH is the measure of alkaline or acidity of water, rated on a scale of 0 – 14.
Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis is the removal of salts, making them unable to pass through the membrane. This can be seen in our Gold Series G5 Reverse Osmosis Water Purification system!
Soft Water
Soft water contains low concentrations of chemicals and nutrients. Many prefer the taste of soft water and choose to purchase a water softener to improve their home supply.
Trihalomethanes are chemical compounds that occur when chlorine has been used to disinfect drinking water. They are associated with negative health effects.
Water Quality
This term is used to describe the characteristics of your water and its suitability for its intended purpose – for example, drinking!
These are just a few of the words you may come across when exploring the ins and outs of water in further depth, but by knowing a few, you'll feel more confident as you read through valuable information.
And remember, you can always continue to learn more about water and filtration by taking a look around here at EWT! Our products can help to improve the taste of your water, remove harmful chemicals and even prevent illnesses spread through low-quality water.

If you're ready to give a new filter or softener a try, don't hesitate to get in touch!

  • Company Name : EWT Water Limited
  • Director Name : Jamie Kent
  • Legal Entity : EWT Water Limited
  • Registration Number : 07944119

Registered Office Address

Fourth Floor Abbots House, Abbey Street, Reading, Berkshire, England, RG1 3BD